
SHOP fresh fruit & vegetables, pastured meats, eggs, baked goods, honey, preserved goods,
live plants, fresh cut flowers & more!!!
DINE in the many delicious downtown eateries like Carpe Diem Coffee Shop, Gridiron Pizza & Sports Bar, 2 Scoopz Ice Cream and Fromage du Monde - Artisan Cheese Shop!
UNWIND with all the wonderful amenities provided by Canton Centennial Plaza,
Downtown galleries and the talents of local musicians.

All vendors accept cash, most accept credit cards or app pay.
SNAP/EBT, Produce Perks, WIC, TANF & Senior Nutrition Coupons are accepted on behalf of all applicable vendors/products, see the Know Your Roots Welcome Center for tokens.

☀️The market will be open rain or shine, however for the safety of all, we will close early if inclement weather occurs in 44702 during market hours.
Thank you 2024 Canton Farmers' Market Sponsors!
Downtown Canton Partnership and the City of Canton, The Commercial & Savings Bank & Fresh Thyme Market

Learn More!!!